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Residential & Commercial
Cleaning Services
Serving The Upper Valley Since 1993

The little things in life aren’t really little. They become the cornerstone of our days and they create the life we live. They gradually paint the masterpiece of our lives. However, we often mistakenly believe that only the big things make a profound difference. Let this be your happy challenge today: be mindful of the smaller details of your moments.
Upper Valley Home Cleaning
Change some of the seemingly small things and this can lead to a very nice place. For example, imagine or think about an untidy area of your home. Maybe its the mudroom, perhaps the hallway or maybe even the breakfast area of your kitchen.
It you have an area like this, then take a few moments to study the scene. Look at the little details. Ask questions . . . why do you have those two or three (or more . . .) of extra shoe/boots/sandals in the mudroom? When you study your mudroom, in detail, you may even realize that you have not put on those boots in the past two or three winters. I think that, perhaps, they could be put to better use. Can you give them to someone who really may need them and would be use them? Give your old shoes a new home!
For more information on how to give your old shoes a new life check out Shoes for the Homeless, Inc. You may get a good idea from them on how to conduct a shoe drive.
Your mudroom is just a simple single example of how to look at a specific area of your home and make some simple changes to tidy it up.
Here is a quote that I like from John Wooden. He took the UCLA Basketball team to 10 NCAA National Championships in a 12-year time frame. He said:
“It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.”
You don’t have to do something momentous or monumental to tidy up your foyer, mudroom, bathroom or closet. Don’t try to change the world – only tidy up a bit. Most importantly, begin with one step at a time to transform the smallest untidy areas of your home. Take care of the little details and some of the bigger items will fall into line.
My final point is that taking care of the smaller things is not all that difficult. Therefore, once we realize that it just takes a bit of attention then we can start to move in the right direction. These small steps can lead to big things – not only related to having a clean and tidy home but also to have a more mindful and purposeful life. Many things start in the home!
Give us a call at 802-295-6065 if you live in the Upper Valley and need extra support for keeping your home clean and tidy. We have been providing homeowners of the Upper Valley with top-notch home cleaning services since 1993.