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Working from Home: How to Create an Inspiring Workspace

Now, more than ever before, our homes are a space for both work and leisure—these home office tips can help to ensure that your home office workspace is efficient, productive, and pleasant.

Working from home is currently a big deal. However, it’s a trend that has been on the increase for a number of years. In fact, in 2016, Research by Boston-based consultancy Strategy Analytics estimated that the global remote workforce would grow to be more than 43 percent of employees by 2023. For many people this is a good thing and to do it properly will make for both a nicer home environment while still be productive when work-work needs to get done.

A home workspace can feel liberating. It feels great to lose the constraints of a traditional office setting. All you need to do is to make sure your home workspace fosters both creativity and productivity. Give it some serious thought as this can be a tricky balancing act.

Consider Your Needs

Everyone has different needs when it comes to home office functions and layouts. A thoughtful approach would be to create a variety of work “settings” that suit various tasks. Your work-related tasks may change throughout the day.

  • Quiet focused time in the morning …
  • Phone calls and a couple of Zoom meetings in the afternoon …
  • Responding to email at the end of the day …

A tip on how to make your home office successful is to surround yourself with objects that inspire you.

You also need to think about what you need. Do you need a large table to spread out large printouts or drawings or do only need a small, but quiet, space to talk on the phone and use your computer?

If, for example, you will now be doing more web-based video calls then ensure that you have good lighting and a pleasant (non-distracting) backdrop. I have upgraded my background now that I have many more video meetings.

Home Office Set-Up Tips

To engage people more significantly by allowing them into your home office can help to make better bonds with people. Set up your home workspace to look good on video if you find yourself having more online video meetings.

You could ensure that natural light is available for most of the day but that proper accent lighting is also available for the early morning and late afternoon when the natural light may not be available. If you can frame a view into your outside garden as the backdrop or a bookcase then this would be both pleasant and appropriate.

You also do not always have to be seated at a desk when working in your home office. A nice couch or easy chair can help to chnage the pace and even stimulate creativity.

We have seen (and cleaned) many well-designed home offices. The ones that we think work the best are ones designed specifically as a working environment. An office, after all is primarily a workspace. To create an enjoyable, productive ambiance for your home office is a very nice combination. Create a space that is comfortable and functional, with ample work and storage space. A pleasant ambiance for your home workspace is essential.

Home Office Accessories

Think about the use of your personal momentos. These are important. Give them an opportunity to be part of your home office.

Surround Yourself with Inspiration. To be both productive and creative include items that inspire you. Perhaps, have fresh flowers once a week. Keep family pictures or picture of special moments. Perhaps an motivational poster or inspirational drawing or painting.

Being good at working from home can boost your value as an employee. It makes you more flexible. It may help you to be more creative. Our world today allows many opportunities for people to work from home and the successful people will give some serious thought into making their home work environment as pleasing and productive as it can be.


The most fundamental question is how will you set up your home office to enable you to function at your best?

Therefore the location and set-up are essential. Make sure that all the pieces work together in a seamless fashion. Implement a strategy and a physical layout that works well from day one.

Think about what tools you will be using all the time. This may mean deciding on a computer video camera and microphone, lighting, and a proper background setting for video meetings or basic items such as a printer or office heater. To be efficient you need to have the tools of your trade and you need to be comfortable.

Invest in a sturdy filing cabinet if you need one. Purchase an office worthy printer and have printer supplies handy (printer cartridges and paper for example). create your own office supply cabinet or drawer. You will not be as efficient if you find yourself having to order or run out to the store for regular office supplies. Ensuring you have what you need when you need it will save you time and energy in the long run and leave you more time to get work done.

Give us a call if you think we can help keep your home office space clean and more pleasing. We have been cleaning homes and offices in the upper Valley since 1993. We can help you to be more productive at home by taking care of the cleaning. Call us at 802-295-6065.