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Cleaning Services - Bathroom Cleaning - A Clean VisionTips from A Clean Vision for a Spotless Bathroom

Upper Valley Home Cleaning Tips


To have a spotless bathroom you are going to need to get elbow deep in it and ensure that you do it regularly. The payoff will be a nice and sparkling clean bathroom that will be a joy to be in.


Do not allow your bathroom to be out of control. Regular cleaning is a must. Without regular cleaning the ability to make your bathroom really shine will diminish. A bathroom that is neglected, from a cleaning perspective, will look rough round the edges even after you have cleaned it well.


Regular cleaning is key to shiny taps, glistening surfaces and beautiful fittings, so get on it!


First off, get rid of bottles of products you never uses (we all have them) and throw away anything that is empty. Simply reducing the number of items in the bathroom will make it feel and look cleaner. In addition, with fewer items in the room it will be easier to clean!


Also, once you have pruned down the number of items in the bathroom to the essentials give them a quick rinse before you organize them. Residue on bottles and containers will contribute to your bathroom appearing to be dirty or contribute to a feeling of being dirty.


Next, spray the various surfaces in your bathroom with bathroom cleaner. Go around the whole room. Once sprayed then go back to the beginning and start cleaning. By using this approach you help to ensure that the cleaning agents in your bathroom cleaner have had more time to work.


After you have scrubbed all of the surfaces clean it is time to move to the toilet. Bleach the toilet. With the brush in the middle of the bowl add your bleach and do a through cleaning. The approach is that the bleach and the brush will get rid of any nasty bacteria that could be lurking in your toilet bowl. Then wipe down the outside of the toilet with a cloth and some sanitizing bathroom cleaner.


Do not use the cloth that you used for the outside of the toilet for anything else. If fact we recommend throwing the cloth away as it is more than likely to have something nasty on it.


Rinse out the bathtub and shower: This one should be a no-brainer but it is important so it is included here. Rinse away any shampoo or soap that has splashed around and left a residue. For glass showers, use a squeegee to prevent water streaks.


Now move on to the mirrors and the windows with glass or window cleaner.


Once everything above the floor has been cleaned it’s time to mop the floor. Take special care to get the area around the toilet bowl clean and fresh. It is essential that you mop the floor last.


Put all your bathroom products back in place in a nice and organized way and you’re done with the cleaning!


However, there is still one more items to that needs to be done. Air out the bathroom. Let your bathroom breathe! To air it out makes it smell fresh. It also helps to reduce mildew growth. If your bathroom lacks good ventilation from windows then run the fan for 15 minutes after you have cleaned and keep the bathroom door open during this time.


A Clean Vision is an expert at bathroom cleaning. It’s what we do!

If you want us to keep all your bathrooms sparkling clean and fresh then give us a call at 802-295-6065.