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Residential & Commercial
Cleaning Services
Serving The Upper Valley Since 1993

Happiness and a House Cleaning Service

Too busy? We know. Need some help? We can help.

The Benefits of a Clean Home

There are clear health benefits to having a clean home. Here we outline some of the benefits and suggest how we can help.

Lowers Stress and Fatigue

Your home may be clean but if you feel constant pressure to keep it this way then you are increasing your stress and this stress can increase your feelings of fatigue. Moreover, if you live in a messy untidy home, you are subconsciously reminded of work that needs to be finished. In addition to this, visually, your eyes do not have a place to rest. Clutter and then feelings associated with clutter can cause stress resulting in fatigue.

When stress increases so does your risk of illness. Wherever possible you want to lower the level of stress in your life. We can help.

Reduces Allergy and Asthma Stress

Certain areas or items in your home need to be kept clean. Areas with carpeting, upholstery, and bedding need higher cleaning attention. Areas of your home which may be naturally damper (such as basements and garages) need to be kept clean to reduce your chance of being affected by allergies and asthma.

If you need a deep clean of a certain area or need more frequent cleaning of certain areas of your home give us a call.

Improves Safety

It’s important to keep your home tidy and clutter-free to have a safe home.

Anything that blocks doorways, hallways or stairways is a danger. Clutter, particularly paper clutter, may hasten the spread of fire and also hinder your ability to escape.

We want your home to be clutter-free and safe and can help you to achieve this.

Reduces the Spread of Germs

Although most people think of bathrooms as the most germ-ridden spots in the house, findings indicate the kitchen is the biggest area of concern.

Countertops should be made of an impervious material that can be cleaned with a sanitizing agent after preparing raw meats and fish. Cleaning sponges and cloths need to be cleaned after use.

Our kitchen cleaning support will help your kitchen to be clean and hygienic.

Keeps Pests Away

Bugs and rodents can multiply and easily hide in messy homes. They are attracted to liquid spills, food debris, and dirty pet bowls. Their presence is trouble, as they spread disease, bacteria, germs, and allergies.

The Benefits of a Clean Home

Saves You Time and Energy

Keeping your home clean takes time and energy. No matter how diligently you do all the usual daily tasks, eventually your home will need a deeper, more thorough cleaning. Rather than pulling out the buckets, brushes, mops, and special cleaning products, why not turn it over to the professionals at A Clean Vision? We are here to make your life easier.

Deep cleaning is what we do. Saving your time and energy is one of the biggest reasons people use a professional cleaning service.

You Have Healthy Indoor Air

It is always better to breathe healthy, clean air. Unfortunately, dirt, dust, allergens, pet dander, and other unhealthy contaminants build up over time. You then inhale what is in the air in your home.

A professional cleaning is an important factor in keeping your indoor air fresh, clean, and healthy.

Cleaner Fabrics

Carpet, area rugs, drapes, curtains, and upholstered furniture all attract dust and dirt. These must be regularly cleaned to avoid buildup, by removing deep-seated dirt and dust. Dirty fabrics also make your home and furniture appear dingy.

We are specialist at cleaning home fabrics such as carpets, drapes and upholstered furniture. Schedule a deep cleaning with us to make your home look better and improve your indoor air quality too!

Relax and Enjoy

You can spend many hours working on keeping your home clean, but is that truly the best use of your time? You can use the time you save for your creative endeavors, education, family time, or just relaxing.

To use a professional cleaning service such as A Clean Vision gives you the time to enjoy your home. You may now binge-watch or spend time reading or lounging without that guilty feeling

No Tools Required!

We bring the tools and professional cleaning products. No matter how hard you scrub or mop, the tools and products you use don’t work as well as the professional cleaning tools used by a professional cleaning service.

The benefits of a clean home are many. You, the homeowner, define the importance of any particular benefit. A Clean Vision can help you to achieve all of these benefits. A Clean Vision has been serving homeowners of the Upper Valley since 1993. We know what works well (and what doesn’t). We apply our knowledge to your home.